UTC(NSAI) Pivot Clock

UTC(NSAI) is directly linked to UTC as it contributes to creation of UTC through BIPM. Below is UTC(NSAI) performance report tracked directly by BIPM.

Zoom by selecting portion of the graph, reset to original scale with right mouse click. Time scale is in approximate UTC as it does not accommodate leap second and time zone information.

Received signal strength for different azimuth and elevation plot shows how clean, or unobstructed, is the sky view from GNSS receiver’s antenna point of view. In general the plot should be blue and black as much as possible. Any grey, or white spots indicate low signal reception from that direction, possibly due to blocked Line of Sight between satellite and the antenna.

Sky view with 5 degree elevation and azimuth grid size.

Sky view with 1 degree elevation and azimuth grid size.